Thursday 30 August 2012


Anna and her papa were very close. He was a martial artist. From the time she could walk, Anna had started her training in martial arts. It was also a way for her papa to protect her, to toughen her up for the world, to ensure that Anna would always be able to protect herself should anything happen. It was almost like he could predict the future.

Anna’s most treasured photo was that of her and her papa; taken when she was barely 3 years old, balancing on his palm with a beaming smile and her beautiful locks of curly black hair.

Although tough, she loved her training with her papa, it was how they connected. Anna was well loved and living happily with the Lee’s. She didn’t know she was adopted. It all felt very natural.

As fate would have it, happiness didn’t last long. Her papa was performing when he suddenly collapsed. He had a stroke; a brain infarct so severe that he died almost instantly. Anna was only 7 years old. 

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