Thursday 30 August 2012


Life was never fair and never will be. She was adopted and that much we know is true. The story thereafter is full of twists and webs of lies, so tangled that no one would ever know the entire truth. This is our version.

Penang, Malaysia circa 1950

Her mother was only sixteen at the time, far too young to have a child or to sustain a family. She knew she would regret it one day but the little baby girl, Anna needed a real home and parents who would love her and treat her as their own. She didn’t have much of a choice. Neither did the father, her high school sweetheart. Her own parents, a rich influential middle class Indian family in Malaysia would not want anything to do with the little child for fear of tarnishing their family image. 

She kissed Anna for the very last time as tears rolled down her cheeks. The chinese couple in their late forties who had struggled for years to have a child were so pleased to see little Anna. They promised to love her like their own and give her a good life. 

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