Monday 3 September 2012

The sack?

Mei was wondering what she had done wrong when she was summoned to see Mrs. Smith that evening. All sorts of thoughts were racing through her head. She tried to recall if she had misplaced any of the clothes or not ironed Mrs. Smith’s dresses correctly or if she had left a stain on one of the crisp white blouses. Her mouth was dry, her hands were shaking and she could feel her palpating heart skipping a beat.

Mei entered the drawing room where Mrs. Smith was sitting on a comfortable couch with what appeared to be a pile of clothes next to her. Mei had cold sweats. She knew it was over, it had all been too good to be true, she was fired! Mrs. Smith’s favourite chamber maid; Ling, came in shortly with a cup of tea for Mrs. Smith and waited by her side.

“Mei, why is your daughter not attending school?” enquired Mrs. Smith.

“I..I..” Mei was shocked at the question and was not sure of what to answer.

Mrs. Smith spoke to Ling and asked her to act as translator if language was a barrier.

Mei sobbed, pleaded for her job and apologised if she had not washed those piles of clothes properly. She even said she would not take a salary for the next month as long as she was not sacked.

Ling had to explain slowly to Mei that Mrs. Smith was not angry at her nor was she complaining about her work quality. After a few minutes, Mei settled down. Ling enquired about Anna. Mei said she had been thinking about sending Anna to school but it was too much for now. They hadn’t even a proper place to stay as yet and Anna would have to wait a little longer.

Ling translated for Mrs. Smith explaining that she knew the founders and the nuns at the Catholic girls school, she would have a word with them and get Anna a place. Anna could have a bursary if she did well at school. It would very much depend on Anna whether she would be able to continue there. She handed over the pile of clothes, which was Edith’s school uniform.

“These clothes are too small for Edith but if Anna does not mind having a slightly larger uniform, she can have them. If you are happy, Anna will go to school with Edith next week. The driver will take them together in the morning.”

Mei was flabbergasted. She was very grateful, so much so that she knelt down and kowtowed to Mrs. Smith thanking her again and again. Mrs. Smith smiled and told her there was no need to thank her, the reward would be if Anna justified her faith and did well at school. Now everyone should get back to work!

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