Monday 3 September 2012

Double trouble

It has been weeks now since Mei started at the Smiths. She had sailed through her trial period and she now has a proper job as a laundry maid. Everything has gone swimmingly well so far until one afternoon…

Anna was playing outside the housekeepers’ quarters near a pond when she met one of the Smith children; Edith. Edith Smith was the youngest daughter of the Smiths and she was about 8 years old; a year older than Anna. They quickly became friends and played together. Edith took Anna upstairs to her bedroom. It was a princess’ room to Anna; exquisitely beautiful with shades of pink, trimmed with handmade lace white curtains. Edith had the biggest collection of toys Anna had ever seen, not to mention an enormous dolls house at one side of the room. They played with the dolls and had a posh tea party with real porcelain teapot, cups and saucers, something that Anna had never even dreamed of. Anna had never had so much fun. It was later when they were playing hide and seek that Anna ventured beyond the limits. It was Edith’s turn to seek and they were playing upstairs in the main house. Anna was hiding in the upstairs library; unknown to her that was somewhere even Edith was sometimes forbidden from entering as it was her father’s domain. Unfortunately, as she hid waiting for Edith, Mr. Smith walked into the library and was about to pour himself a glass of whiskey when he spotted Anna crouching under his oak desk.

He commanded her to come out instantly. Poor Anna was shivering with fear at this point. Wing Commander Smith was an imposing figure even to his junior officers, let alone a little girl. He stood over six feet tall with a bristling moustache, and was wearing an immaculately tailored grey-blue uniform with gleaming brass buttons.

“What on earth are you doing in my study?” questioned Mr. Smith angrily.

“ sir..I..”

“That’s enough child! Victoria…where are you?” he called out loud for Mrs. Smith, dismissing Anna.

Shortly afterwards, Mrs. Smith came into the study. A few terse words were exchanged between her and her husband, who left immediately. Looking around and seeing Edith outside the door, she understood what had happened. She took Anna by the hand. At this point, tears were streaming out of those big brown eyes. Edith stood outside, frozen with fear. Mrs. Smith took Edith’s hand as well and strode downstairs into the drawing room before summoning Mei.

She gave a white handkerchief to Anna, who was now trembling with fear for what might happen to her and her mother. She knew she had really blundered this time. Oh what trouble had she gotten herself and her mother into now. Inside, she was beating herself up.

To both children, Mrs. Smith said strictly, “You can play together but never in your father’s study or the main bedroom. Edith, I am very disappointed in you, you’re the one who should have known better. Promise me, never again venture into your father’s study.”

Edith nodded.

“How old are you, young lady?” enquired Mrs. Smith of Anna.

She held seven fingers up.

“Do you go to school?”

Anna shook her head.

Mrs. Smith pondered for a while, and a smile played across her lips. Her strict demeanour softened and she spoke kindly to the two girls.

“Well, I hope you both have learnt your lesson today. Edith, take your friend to the kitchen for a cookie and some milk before she goes. Don’t be too loud now that your father is home.”

Edith hugged her mother and gave her a kiss. Anna slightly relieved but still unsure what her fate would be or that of her mother’s. Would she lose the job because of Anna? Everything was going so well and now she had spoilt it. 

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