Monday 3 September 2012

The sack?

Mei was wondering what she had done wrong when she was summoned to see Mrs. Smith that evening. All sorts of thoughts were racing through her head. She tried to recall if she had misplaced any of the clothes or not ironed Mrs. Smith’s dresses correctly or if she had left a stain on one of the crisp white blouses. Her mouth was dry, her hands were shaking and she could feel her palpating heart skipping a beat.

Mei entered the drawing room where Mrs. Smith was sitting on a comfortable couch with what appeared to be a pile of clothes next to her. Mei had cold sweats. She knew it was over, it had all been too good to be true, she was fired! Mrs. Smith’s favourite chamber maid; Ling, came in shortly with a cup of tea for Mrs. Smith and waited by her side.

“Mei, why is your daughter not attending school?” enquired Mrs. Smith.

“I..I..” Mei was shocked at the question and was not sure of what to answer.

Mrs. Smith spoke to Ling and asked her to act as translator if language was a barrier.

Mei sobbed, pleaded for her job and apologised if she had not washed those piles of clothes properly. She even said she would not take a salary for the next month as long as she was not sacked.

Ling had to explain slowly to Mei that Mrs. Smith was not angry at her nor was she complaining about her work quality. After a few minutes, Mei settled down. Ling enquired about Anna. Mei said she had been thinking about sending Anna to school but it was too much for now. They hadn’t even a proper place to stay as yet and Anna would have to wait a little longer.

Ling translated for Mrs. Smith explaining that she knew the founders and the nuns at the Catholic girls school, she would have a word with them and get Anna a place. Anna could have a bursary if she did well at school. It would very much depend on Anna whether she would be able to continue there. She handed over the pile of clothes, which was Edith’s school uniform.

“These clothes are too small for Edith but if Anna does not mind having a slightly larger uniform, she can have them. If you are happy, Anna will go to school with Edith next week. The driver will take them together in the morning.”

Mei was flabbergasted. She was very grateful, so much so that she knelt down and kowtowed to Mrs. Smith thanking her again and again. Mrs. Smith smiled and told her there was no need to thank her, the reward would be if Anna justified her faith and did well at school. Now everyone should get back to work!

Double trouble

It has been weeks now since Mei started at the Smiths. She had sailed through her trial period and she now has a proper job as a laundry maid. Everything has gone swimmingly well so far until one afternoon…

Anna was playing outside the housekeepers’ quarters near a pond when she met one of the Smith children; Edith. Edith Smith was the youngest daughter of the Smiths and she was about 8 years old; a year older than Anna. They quickly became friends and played together. Edith took Anna upstairs to her bedroom. It was a princess’ room to Anna; exquisitely beautiful with shades of pink, trimmed with handmade lace white curtains. Edith had the biggest collection of toys Anna had ever seen, not to mention an enormous dolls house at one side of the room. They played with the dolls and had a posh tea party with real porcelain teapot, cups and saucers, something that Anna had never even dreamed of. Anna had never had so much fun. It was later when they were playing hide and seek that Anna ventured beyond the limits. It was Edith’s turn to seek and they were playing upstairs in the main house. Anna was hiding in the upstairs library; unknown to her that was somewhere even Edith was sometimes forbidden from entering as it was her father’s domain. Unfortunately, as she hid waiting for Edith, Mr. Smith walked into the library and was about to pour himself a glass of whiskey when he spotted Anna crouching under his oak desk.

He commanded her to come out instantly. Poor Anna was shivering with fear at this point. Wing Commander Smith was an imposing figure even to his junior officers, let alone a little girl. He stood over six feet tall with a bristling moustache, and was wearing an immaculately tailored grey-blue uniform with gleaming brass buttons.

“What on earth are you doing in my study?” questioned Mr. Smith angrily.

“ sir..I..”

“That’s enough child! Victoria…where are you?” he called out loud for Mrs. Smith, dismissing Anna.

Shortly afterwards, Mrs. Smith came into the study. A few terse words were exchanged between her and her husband, who left immediately. Looking around and seeing Edith outside the door, she understood what had happened. She took Anna by the hand. At this point, tears were streaming out of those big brown eyes. Edith stood outside, frozen with fear. Mrs. Smith took Edith’s hand as well and strode downstairs into the drawing room before summoning Mei.

She gave a white handkerchief to Anna, who was now trembling with fear for what might happen to her and her mother. She knew she had really blundered this time. Oh what trouble had she gotten herself and her mother into now. Inside, she was beating herself up.

To both children, Mrs. Smith said strictly, “You can play together but never in your father’s study or the main bedroom. Edith, I am very disappointed in you, you’re the one who should have known better. Promise me, never again venture into your father’s study.”

Edith nodded.

“How old are you, young lady?” enquired Mrs. Smith of Anna.

She held seven fingers up.

“Do you go to school?”

Anna shook her head.

Mrs. Smith pondered for a while, and a smile played across her lips. Her strict demeanour softened and she spoke kindly to the two girls.

“Well, I hope you both have learnt your lesson today. Edith, take your friend to the kitchen for a cookie and some milk before she goes. Don’t be too loud now that your father is home.”

Edith hugged her mother and gave her a kiss. Anna slightly relieved but still unsure what her fate would be or that of her mother’s. Would she lose the job because of Anna? Everything was going so well and now she had spoilt it. 

Sunday 2 September 2012

Mrs. Smith

It was almost ten o’clock. Mei was due to meet Mrs. Smith in the drawing room shortly. Mei tried to make herself as presentable as possible, stroking and pressing down on her sleeves and some folds on her blouse. Her hair was still neatly plaited into pig tails. Her heart started pounding as she made her way carefully into the drawing room. Other than cleaning it, housekeepers were not allowed into the drawing room. She knocked on the drawing room oak door gently.

“Come in” said a voice with a perfect British accent.

Mrs. Smith was more elegant than Mei had imagined. She was an English lady in her early forties, graceful and slim, dressed in a very smart royal navy dress, her brown hair neatly swept into a perfect chignon. She had blue eyes, very fair skin, a sharp nose and a long graceful neck decorated by a sparkly sapphire necklace. She sat by the bureau, writing what one assumed would be a letter, very elegantly poised. Mrs. Smith was used to a high position in the society, her husband a wing commander in the Royal Air Force, serving in Singapore. He was rarely at home. Mrs. Smith would often go out for charitable luncheons with other ladies in the society.

“Good..good morning ma..madam” greeted Mei in her broken English.

Mrs. Smith looked up, stopped her writing and gave Mei a smile. She explained in simple terms what Mei’s job would be. Mei nodded as Mrs. Smith explained on. Mei would be given fifty cents in the first couple of weeks in the trial and if satisfactory, her salary would be increased to a dollar. A whole dollar?! Mei was very, very pleased. Mei explained to Mrs. Smith about Anna. Mrs. Smith agreed Anna could work alongside Mei as long as she was well behaved. Before she left, Mrs. Smith asked to looked at Mei’s hands, presumably to look at her nails and cleanliness, she gave her a nod of approval.

“Thank you much much..” said Mei gratefully.

She returned to the housekeepers’ quarters and told Jen what Mrs. Smith had told her. Jen and Anna were both excited, but Jen sounded a note of caution that Mrs. Smith expected respect and obedience from all her staff and Mei should be careful to repay her trust.

Laundry maid

Jen came back that evening with a big smile plastered across her face, she’d found Mei a job! Although it would be subject to a simple interview and a short trial. Mei was ecstatic and could not believe her luck. She gave Anna a big hug, said finally things are looking up and can only get better. Anna was very pleased for her mama but at the back of her mind she was still worried that there was no talk of school for her yet. She would follow Mei to work. That night the Mah Jie and Mei all sat down in the communal area, laid out white tablecloths and had a celebration of sesame biscuits, a round of watered down Chinese wine, followed up with a game of mahjong. Watered down wine because otherwise there wasn’t enough to go around!

The next morning, they woke up at four. Anna felt as though she had only just closed her eyes. She hadn’t slept well what with the chat and laughter, the click-clack of the mahjong tiles and the smoky air. Mei borrowed some of Jen’s clothes as she didn’t really have anything suitable. Anna helped her mama plait her hair. Together, they all set off to the Smiths. It was a brisk half hour walk. Although it was still dark, the streets were already getting busy with people starting their work.

The Smiths lived in what to all practical purposes was a mansion. It was the biggest, grandest house Anna or Mei had ever seen. Not wooden, no attap roof, built in the colonial style with many windows, white columns and a large portico at the front. It almost resembled a castle in their eyes. They entered the house from a little gate on the side instead of the main gate. Jen explained that the housekeepers were never to use the main gate under any circumstances. Anna was completely transfixed by the splendour of the house.

Jen took Mei and Anna to the housekeepers quarters; a separate annex used by housekeepers for their break. Even the quarters were luxurious, there were two toilets, three rooms, a kitchen and diner, a living room and all the amenities one could ask for. Anna was to sit in the quarters while Jen took Mei around the rest of the house. It was still too early to meet Mrs. Smith so Mei would be helping Jen in the kitchen to start with.

The kitchen was enormous, row upon row of white cupboards with gleaming copper pans hanging down from racks. There were cookers that Mei had never seen before. Jen showed her the menu and schedule for the day. They were to go to the market for fresh produce shortly. Jen explained that the sooner they could get there, the more fresh meat, seafood and vegetable would be available. Apparently, by about seven, most of the fresh produce would have gone! They have to get breakfast on the table by quarter past seven. Lunch must be served promptly at half past twelve for Mr. and Mrs. Smith but the children would have their luncheon at half past one. Tea will be served at half past three and dinner at half past six. Jen also must ensure snacks are available for the children at all times. Before leaving, she would also have to prepare snacks for supper for the whole family.

The trip to the market was fascinating for Mei; she struggled to keep up as Jen walked quickly down the narrow busy streets deep in to the Chinese quarter. The market was an experience for all the senses; crowded, loud, noisy, sweaty, smelly, wet but great fun. Fresh fish swimming in barrels, lobsters with claws taped, crabs trying to escape their cages, giant prawns, wriggling octopus, cuts of fresh meat and every kind of fruit and vegetable imaginable. In her ears a cacophony of shouting as everyone tried to get the best possible deal. She loved seeing the haggling Jen.

The experiences Mei has had over the last few days since her arrival in Singapore have been exhilarating but she was still worried about meeting Mrs. Smith; would she be able to keep the job? It was so important that she hardly dared to think about it.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Ah Mui

It was still dark but the noise was getting louder. Anna could barely open up her eyes, she was still very tired, she hadn’t slept at all well on the hard surfaces of the communal hall floor. The ladies seemed to have very loud piercing voices. It was definitely before dawn. The ladies were getting ready to go to work at their respective family homes. They all looked very neat in their uniforms of black trousers and white blouse, with their hair sleekly tied back into a bun.

Jen worked with an expat family; the Smiths. She is one of their housekeepers, solely in charge of cooking. Jen said that the Smiths had six housekeepers; 2 in charge of the little children, 2 for general cleaning, one chamber maid for Mrs. Smith and the cook; Jen. As far as she knows, the Smiths are looking for a laundry girl. She will find out for Mei. In the mean time, Mei will clean and tidy up after the Mah Jie in return for letting her and Anna stay.

It was Yen Jie who asked what was little Anna going to do; she was only about 7 years old. One of the ladies suggested that the girl; Ah Mui as they call Anna should just start out early, learn to clean and earn some money after all she’s a girl. They believed that girls need no education. Anna who was quietly listening to their conversations had tears in her eyes. She was quietly sobbing and covering herself in her thin little blanket. She wanted her papa and she wanted to go back their home in Penang. She closed her eyes tightly, wishing this was all just a nasty dream and if she could only wake up, she would be home in Penang again with her mama and her papa; all living blissfully.

Friday 31 August 2012


Map of Singapore

Singapore circa 1960

Wooden houses with attap roof

The sisterhood – Mah Jie (妈姐)

The house was small with an open kitchen in the back, a communal toilet and a room with 4 wooden slats make-do beds, each one with a straw mat on top. Yin Jie was very kind and chatted to Mei for a while before she started getting dinner ready. There were four ladies sharing the communal house; Yin Jie, Jen Jie, Wu Jie and Fang Jie.

These ladies are the Mah Jie; a voluntary sisterhood of ladies from China who vow celibacy and work as domestic help in Singapore. They all wear a uniform of a white blouse buttoned to the neck, with black trousers. They do not trust in marriages hence initiated a ceremony to vow their celibacy by brushing and tying up their hair (自梳). Many of them heard about the misfortune of some married life; being bullied by their husbands, having to look after their husband’s families and abandoning their own.

About an hour later, Jen Jie finally returned. Mei and Jen were pleased to see each other. They chatted, shared tears and laughter. Jen invited Anna and Mei to stay in their communal house with the other Mah Jie until Mei could find a place. Although they were grateful for the accommodation, they did not have their own room and had to share a bed on the floor of the communal hall. Anna found it hard after the relative comfort of their own little house back in Penang, and she missed her papa immensely.